Supplier sourcing

Want to find the best suppliers for your company?

Get connected with verified suppliers that meet your business needs

Briolink will identify best trusted suppliers that are an ideal fit for your business needs

Get highly qualified leads routed to you. Our team of demand generation experts will work with you to fill your pipeline with quality leads

Source with confidence to build a lasting network of trusted suppliers

Build strategic relationships with your best suppliers. By verifying their history, we deliver unprecedented transparency of the supplier sourcing process

Turn your vendors into your partners for mutually beneficial relationships

Our unique service

We use the latest ML and AI technologies to find, evaluate and verify the best candidates for your network of suppliers
We build a network of trusted connections to maximize the value for your company and your suppliers
Our collaborative sourcing solution helps maximize your business results by turning vendors into your partners
Create a request for proposal
Identify potential vendors
Verify suppliers history and experience
Select the right supplier
Select the right supplier from the list delivered by our experts. The rest of the potential prospects are saved in your Briolink database of verified potential suppliers for further consideration

Select the right supplier

Our analysts will verify every supplier’s history and experience from their past business relationships to help you make fact-based selection
Our business development will follow up on each and every verification request to maximize the verification rate of your past client successes and to fully leverage the power of referrals
Our sourcing experts will help build compelling request for proposal on Briolink with detailed description of your business needs and requirements

Verify suppliers history
and experience

Identify potential vendors

Create a request for proposal

How it works


  • I am glad to have been able to build up a relationship with such companies as HP and Upwork.
    Katherine Boiciuc
    Director & CTO at Maximus International
  • We have a lot of opportunities to get to know different companies and get a lot of tools and new methodology that we can apply in our organization
    Sarah Lewin
    Deputy President and Vice Chairman, Abdul Latif Jameel, Saudi Arabia
  • I just wanted to thank the team for their efforts. It was absolutely instrumental to get acquainted with Silicon Valley companies working in the energy industry.
    Chaiwat Kovavisarach
    President & CEO, Bangchak, Thailand
  • With the opportunities that have been presented and the connections I have made with different startups, I am determined to build new business relationships.
    Oliver Buechse
    Member of the Board of Directors, Wisconsin Bankers Foundation, USA

Our clients

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